Saturday, June 07, 2008

Triple H

Today is Hazy, Hot, and Humid. Yuck. I don't want anything to touch me, I don't want to be close to anyone, and I definitely don't want to go outside. Unfortunately, today is the Festival of the Arts here in Frederick. Curly is doing the FtP booth without wifey help. When he gets back, we're going to the pool. Tonight is the Milkshake concert at Baker Park. We love Milkshake. They put on a great show. However, if it's still 90-something degrees at 6:00, we won't be going. Momma can't handle it. Tomorrow will be much of the same, so pray the AC at church is working, and Monday will be the worst of all. Ugh. This is where I am jealous that Colleen is in Alaska this summer, 22 hours of sunlight notwithstanding.


Anonymous said...

Uugh, yes, that weather sounds miserable!

Anonymous said...

I don't know, maybe there's something to that global warming thing after all...

losing my needles said...

Today it was too hot to be alive!
And Colleen is in Alaska? What a jerk that she didn't tell me. :)

Anonymous said...

Today was awful.

How 'bout a meme:


Anonymous said...

Yes--today was yucky!