Today I picked up this book:

In 1922, The Farmer's Wife magazine asked their readers if they would want their daughters of marriageable age to marry a farmer. At the time, the magazine had a readership of about 750,000, and they received 7,000 letters. Spoiler alert: the majority of women were for it. The letters are wonderful. They are well written and show the women on the farm to be diverse and extremely fulfilled.
The quilt blocks are inspired by the letters. They are all pieced, which I like. A lot. They are all traditional, which again, I like. A lot. The book has 111 blocks. I don't have a plan yet. But I will soon. And, I want to do it in this:

I've only read a few of the letters, but I already have a favorite. She writes:
"Wee daughter is having her nap and it's a good opportunity to tell you why I wish the best of all things for our pride and hope and joy.
"It is because I have known the happiness which comes of service, that I want my daughter to know it, too. Is there any greater joy, I wonder, than that of a hard task well done?"
And with that thought, I must get back to my spring cleaning. And while I clean, I will dream of a pretty Farmer's Wife quilt.