Ginger was wearing just a onesie one morning (we're all about comfort here), and felt it needed a little something. So, she brought Curly his black belt and demanded it be "ON!" She felt so pretty.

Getting ready to ride horses in NC.
Several times in the past weeks, I have been referred to as one of "those" moms. It's meant to be an insult, as in, "Oh, you're one of those moms who looks forward to school starting." It's usually followed up with, "I just get so sad. I hate those hours where my kids are in school."
So, am I one of "those" moms? Guilty. I get so excited for the school year. I admit, I look forward to having some of my own time. But let's be honest: it's not like I'll have a lot of alone time. Ginger will still be around. I'll have some alone time when she naps, but she doesn't nap for very long. I get 2 hours if I'm lucky, but most days she naps for a little over an hour.
I mostly get excited about the school year because my kids are excited about it. They make new friends every year. They learn something new and exciting every day. I love seeing them grow and change. I love that when they go to school, the world opens up for them a little bit more.
I have also observed that my children take a cue from me on how they should act. If I am nervous, anxious, and unhappy about something, then that's how they'll be. Conversely, if I'm excited, expectant, and happy about something, then that's how they'll be. Case in point: when Mini-me first went to the dentist, I talked about how awesome the dentist is and how yummy the toothpaste tastes. She now loves going to the dentist.
I'm so excited for Monday. There's a lot of learnin' to be done.