Saturday, November 28, 2009
Oh, Christmas Tree!

Friday, November 27, 2009
Gobble, Gobble!

We made one turkey in the grill. It requires brining the turkey for 24 hours in a delicious smelling concoction of apple juice, oranges, salt, brown sugar, ginger, garlic, and cloves. It makes a divine bird.We also did one turkey in the oven, which was stuffed with rice stuffing. It's an O'Kigin tradition. Again, Aunt Becky came through and provided it. Otherwise, we would just have bread stuffing. That would have been tragic. We also had green beans with shallots, sweet potato casserole, and mashed potatoes and gravy.

I could not have done this holiday without Curly's sisters. Becky helped with the prep, Colleen helped with the cleanup. I had clean counter tops this morning. It made me happy.
We had great company for dinner. Uncle Ryan, Auntie Lissa, and Parker,
Mini-me, Wyatt, Patch, and Flower,


It was a wonderful day, and today is a great day to recover from it. I have much to be thankful for. I have a belly full of food and baby, I have fabulous kids and a wonderful husband, and I have a support staff that I couldn't do without. Truly, my life is blessed.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Hot Chocolate

- In a bowl combine all ingredients. Store in an airtight container.
- For each serving, place 1/3 cup of the mix in a mug and add 3/4 cup boiling water.
Now here is where you can have fun. Nondairy creamers come in all sorts of flavors. The mix pictured above is Pumpkin Spice Cocoa. I've also made Hazelnut, French Vanilla, and Caramel. When I bought the Pumpkin Spice creamer, they also had Gingerbread. Now that would be festive.
Wouldn't this make a great teacher or neighbor gift? Make up some delicious cocoa mix, make a cute bag to put it in, and then put it in a darling mug. How great is that?
Personally, I like to drink it from my favorite mug with some marshmallows on top. Yum.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thursday Already?
In non baby news, we have colds at our house. Scratchy throats, runny noses, and coughs are just par for the course right now. So far, I am untouched. Let's hope it stays that way! I am drinking plenty of fluids (and chomping tons of ice), and trying to get enough rest. And, between my studio space in the basement and Flower's new attic bedroom, I get a lot of exercise going up and down 3 flights of stairs.
I have been busy filling all my Christmas Molly Patch orders. I have also had a little time to work on some Christmas things for my kids. The Molly Patch things will be done around Thanksgiving, and hopefully the rest will follow quickly. But, if not, Christmas comes without packages, boxes, or bags. Do you think my kids will be content to just join hands around the Christmas tree and sing "Davoo doores" a la the Whos down in Whoville? Me neither.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Happy Veteran's Day!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Good Looking Kids
Monday, November 09, 2009
Kid's Room

The bedspreads from the former room (which was pink/purple) look really good against the French Silver. It is a tad unfortunate that Patch is sleeping under a girlie bedspread, but he'll survive. I have plans of making two bed quilts using the same pattern and 3 colors that are the same, and then each one would have 2-3 other colors to make it more gender specific. I think it could be really cool.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Just Popping In...

I am starting to plan for Christmas gifts. I don't have much time left! Getting around my sewing room is getting a little challenging. Being in a delicate condition, my belly likes to knock things over, and then get in the way when I try to pick things up.
I hope to post some updated pictures soon!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Happy Halloween!

The most clever costume we saw was our neighbor, Big Patch. Flower thinks he's kind of cute, so we took the opportunity to embarrass her.

We had a couple of crew members from Deadliest Catch. They were well behaved, for the most part. Patch and Mini-me just enjoyed eating on the floor. We had the traditional Halloween Hot-dogs and two different kinds of chili.