Ginger saying "Oh, wow!" on Christmas morning.
Last year, I was very specific about things I wanted to accomplish. I did pretty well. Our scripture study as a family rose and fell, and then rose and fell again. I was 2 sizes smaller in Sun Valley. It felt good. We are eating out a lot less. Usually less than once a week. I don't always like that. I didn't finish an entire quilt each month, but I did finish a lot of sewing project. Plus, I did 3 different craft shows. My little Lena got quite a workout. And Cinnamon Roll Monday? No thank you. I found out that I would eat half a pan to myself for "quality control." Ha. For the sake of my waistline, I had to let that one go.
This year I have a lot I want to do. My list is a little overwhelming. I need to think about it a little more and then get back to you. A list of 12 things is a little unrealistic, wouldn't you agree?