Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Idol Watch

I am loving this season of American Idol. I would agree that the talent is the best it's ever been, but maybe that's because there are so many seasoned pros in the mix. Here are some of my favorites so far:

1. David Archuleta. Could he get any cuter? Plus, he can really sing and turn on the charm. Love him.

2. Jason Castro. Yeah, this one surprised me, too. I am not a fan of dreads, because they smell and have bugs, but he has such an easy, breazy style that I think is great. Plus, he played his own guitar last night (the only one to play his own instrument), even though he's a drummer.

3. Luke Menard. Simon said he was "forgettable," but I obviously remembered him. I didn't think he was pitchy (like Randy said), but I do think he looks like McDreamy. He sites James Taylor as a musical influence. I can see that.

I am looking forward to the ladies tonight. I think there are some interesting girls to watch this time around. Don't forget to set your DVRs :)

1 comment:

Brandie Lyon said...

Love reading your blog. My husband and I are friends of Jonny. I love your nicknames for your kids. We are huge A.I. fans as well. Check out my blog