Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Word (Or Two) About American Idol

Last night's Idol was, um, interesting. We tried to vote at the end, but could not get through. I was voting for Danny Gokey, Curly wanted to vote for Anoop. It makes me nervous that only 3 go on to the top 12. What if people vote for the weird girl who sang a Sting song and winked the whole time? Or worse, what if they vote for Tatiana?!

Let's address the technical issues of the show, shall we? There were several weird camera shots of what I imagine was the floor. Then, when the video didn't work, and Ryan tried to save the show, he got yelled at by an off-camera woman. The mikes were picking up breath and sometimes had an echo. Some body mikes didn't work at all. Then, the funniest glitch of the night was when Simon was talking and a loud "eeeehhhh" sounded. I wondered if Randy had passed gas.

I don't like Kara. I find her superfluous. She agreed with Randy every time and then didn't seem to offer any new insight. It was bad enough to listen to 3 peoples opinion, but 4 just seems excessive. She also banged on the table too often.

Finally, let's talk about Tatiana. She's nuts. I really mean that. She had a complete personality change. Not only that, she developed a heavy accent when talking to Ryan. What happened to her crazy laugh? Her shrieking? One theory is that she watched the show for 3 weeks, was totally embarrassed, and changed her personality. In reality, you can't keep a crazy person hiding for long. She'll come out again. The thing is, she actually sang well. It was not horrendous. But her new demure persona was. I think she'll make it through. If not tonight, she'll sing again in the wild card round.


Lisa and Doug said...

I clearly need to tune in!

teamZ said...
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Rach said...

I didn't catch the whole show because i was watching the biggest loser. sounds like they need to pay more attention to everything. i think tatiana has bipolar disease.

Anonymous said...

I didn't read this until after tonight's results show. Tatiana nearly had a breakdown. I really like Danny Gokey, but my favorite is Alexis Grace; I realize she is the opposite of everything I stand for, but I like her voice.

Linz said...

I have seen a few minutes here and there so far and I didn't know what was going on so thanks for this re-cap. I did see the awkward moments where the tape wasn't rolling and such. Weird! Your summary was hilarious.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Umm I'm thinking you are an IDOL fanatic. lolol I havent gotten into this seasons yet.