Monday, February 21, 2011

Do Over

I would like a Do Over weekend, please. It started on Thursday night, where I wrapped myself in two quilts, asked Mini-me and Patch to put themselves to bed, and laid on the couch with achy knees and a runny nose. I took my temperature at about 8, and then sent my mom the pitiful text: I have a fever! Curly stepped up to the plate on Friday. He woke up with the kids, got the dressed and ready for the day, dropped Mini-me off at school, and then came home to get Patch and Ginger ready for the YMCA. The only hiccup in the whole day was when he realized he had forgotten to pack Mini-me a lunch or send her with money. Living two blocks from the school has its perks, especially when you have to run $2 over for lunch.

Friday night, Ginger woke up at around midnight having a temper tantrum. She would not be consoled, so I left her to writhe in her crib. In the morning, she had a fever. So Ginger and I spent the day snuggling. I arranged for the other 3 kids to go to a birthday party without me. Flower, Mini-me; and Patch again were pretty much left to their own devices. I don't give them much credit, but they did a great job! The only really awful thing on Saturday was when Ginger decided to puke on me. Twice.

Sunday I started to feel better, Ginger lingered, and Mini-me and Patch started to get a little annoyed with the whole situation. Today we are fever free and ready to go do something. Thank goodness for a 3-day weekend. I have a day to do it over!


Jewel said...

I am so glad you are feeling better!

Lisa and Doug said...

I'm glad it passed quickly.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness everyone is doing better. Do you buy Lysol by the case?

Mama Pea said...

Oh, what a weekend. So sorry. Glad you are feeling better!

Brooke said...

Oh my! I like your thought of a "do over" weekend! I would like one too as I spent the weekend watching lots of volleyball and more basketball and driving in all different directions!!! Maybe they will all go to friends today!

Johanna said...

You must be so happy the weekend is over! I do hope that your family is done with all the sickness for this year!

Karen said...

So very glad you are feeling better. Kids can surprise you sometimes when Mumma is sick.