Monday, September 03, 2007

Falliday Explanation

I have been asked what "falliday" is. Well, on the Today show this morning (which I watch nearly every morning), they did a segment that talked about how New Year's Resolutions have become passe, and how fall is the new New Year's. Fall is often a time to start over, mainly because of the start of the new school year and the new season of great TV shows. I know my routine kind of starts over in the fall, since summer gets a little relaxed with vacation, pool time, camps, etc. So that's what Falliday is. Enjoy yours.


Anonymous said...

This sounds like a Castanza Holiday!!
Happy Falliday!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with mlk! Kinda like Festivis? (sp?)

Sorry it took so long for me to answer your question- the fabric on that quilt is Freshcut from FreeSprit or Westminster. Heather Bailey is the artist. Hope that helps! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Ummm.... I actually celebrate falliday every year with my fallifamily. I am trying to turn it into a legal holiday. Right now work is being done on the Wikipedia, myspace, and facebook FALLIDAY accounts/pages. Hopefully we'll open up our own site soon as well...

Falliday for us has real traditions that are different than all the other "fall holidays". There is a Matriarch and Patriarch, a king and queen...traditional food and drink, games, songs, etc.... FALLIDAY IS FOR REAL!!!