In looking at my stats for the week, I noticed some funny google searches that led people to my blog. My favorite was "naked witch cross stitch." Good luck with that. I think you'll have better luck creating your own pattern.
To the person looking for "the queen of the church of thailand the advice give to people," I hope you have enjoyed the weight loss advice doled out by the queen of our family, my mom. I didn't know the Church of Thailand had a queen, but I'm sure she gives great advice.
There were several others looking for patterns of dora, flowers, etc. I don't make my own patterns. Yet. Keep checking back.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
I Have A Wide Foot
Now that you've read the title, hopefully the rest of the post will make sense.
Today is beautiful. The weather can hardly be improved upon, except maybe by subtracting about 10 degrees. As part of our "better you" program I have put our family on, we went for a walk. We even took Gracie. She was a little scared, but since most of Frederick is dog friendly, she was welcomed more places than our kids.
I wore my new shoes. They are red and have orange insoles. When I tried them on, it was like walking on a pillow. I thought no shoe could be more comfortable and more stylish at the same time. As we walked up and down the streets and paths of Frederick, my wide foot began to expand. When we got home, taking them off was like releasing Ursula the sea witch from her mortal form. I still think the shoes are cute. I just hope that they will become more comfortable.
Today is beautiful. The weather can hardly be improved upon, except maybe by subtracting about 10 degrees. As part of our "better you" program I have put our family on, we went for a walk. We even took Gracie. She was a little scared, but since most of Frederick is dog friendly, she was welcomed more places than our kids.
I wore my new shoes. They are red and have orange insoles. When I tried them on, it was like walking on a pillow. I thought no shoe could be more comfortable and more stylish at the same time. As we walked up and down the streets and paths of Frederick, my wide foot began to expand. When we got home, taking them off was like releasing Ursula the sea witch from her mortal form. I still think the shoes are cute. I just hope that they will become more comfortable.
Friday, September 28, 2007
When I went to blog for Weight Loss Wednesday, my computer was acting funny. It was slow and would lose Internet* connection spontaneously. I finally got my entry written, and it wouldn't post. I was sad. If I had been able to post, I would have said that my weight loss is off to an excellent new beginning. In the first week, I have lost 7 pounds. Not too shabby. The advice for the week is that we do not eat to Feel Full, but to Fuel the Furnace. My mom loves alliteration.
I have two rewards waiting for me. As soon as I get under a certain weight, I can use one of my gift certificates for a salon and get a facial or a massage. I can't decide which. After I lose 10 more pounds (from what I weighed in on Monday), I can buy a corduroy jacket from Talbots. Hopefully, in the time it takes me to lose 10 more pounds, it will feel like fall.
Today is a busy day. I have to make 150 mini pumpkin chocolate chip muffins for opening night of FtP's The Fantastics. I am on the events committee. The Towne Singers will be singing in the lobby before the show, then during the show I will help set up for the opening night reception.
Did anyone see The Office last night? I know it's an obscure show...Just kidding. I thought it was great. Curly got a little annoyed with me because I was so excited Jim and Pam are really dating. Grey's Anatomy also did not disappoint. I was ready to hate Meredith's sister, but I really like her. This is going to be a problem for her because everyone likes the sister. Meredith is going to need to cool down the jealousy vibe she gives off....(I love talking about shows as if the characters were real.)
Have a great weekend. Check back in for a final photo of the first Molly Patch quilt. It's so cute, you'll all want one.
*Did you know that "Internet" is supposed to be capitalized? Spell check says so...
I have two rewards waiting for me. As soon as I get under a certain weight, I can use one of my gift certificates for a salon and get a facial or a massage. I can't decide which. After I lose 10 more pounds (from what I weighed in on Monday), I can buy a corduroy jacket from Talbots. Hopefully, in the time it takes me to lose 10 more pounds, it will feel like fall.
Today is a busy day. I have to make 150 mini pumpkin chocolate chip muffins for opening night of FtP's The Fantastics. I am on the events committee. The Towne Singers will be singing in the lobby before the show, then during the show I will help set up for the opening night reception.
Did anyone see The Office last night? I know it's an obscure show...Just kidding. I thought it was great. Curly got a little annoyed with me because I was so excited Jim and Pam are really dating. Grey's Anatomy also did not disappoint. I was ready to hate Meredith's sister, but I really like her. This is going to be a problem for her because everyone likes the sister. Meredith is going to need to cool down the jealousy vibe she gives off....(I love talking about shows as if the characters were real.)
Have a great weekend. Check back in for a final photo of the first Molly Patch quilt. It's so cute, you'll all want one.
*Did you know that "Internet" is supposed to be capitalized? Spell check says so...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's Safety Week at Costco. When we arrived today at 1:15, there were firetrucks and ambulances in the parking lot. I loaded the kids in the cart and went to meet the "guys who keep us safe." We checked out the trucks, saw where they keep the hoses and the ladders, and then sat in the drivers seat. The firemen gave the kids hats before we went into the store. I think I'll bring fun hats every time we go to Costco. The kids were quiet and well entertained for the hour we were there.
Monday, September 24, 2007
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Tonight is the start of premier week. We have the DVR all set to go. Sadly, many shows conflict. I'll be watching some down in the playroom while the others record. Tonight, I am so excited about the return of Heroes. That show kept me guessing all last season. Who knows what they'll throw at us this time. The new show I am looking forward to tonight is Chuck. It looks funny.
Here's the rundown for the rest of the week:
Tuesday --
Returning: Dancing with the Stars (duh!)
New: None
Wednesday --
Returning: Criminal Minds.
New: Private Practice. What trouble will Addison get herself into with a new set of hot doctors around her? Bonus: Taye Diggs.
Thursday --
Returning: Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, My Name is Earl, The Office
New: None. Who needs new shows on Thursday?
Friday --
Returning: None
New: Moonlight. It's about vampires. I like vampires.
So far, no news on Jericho, even though I know it's coming back because fans sent peanuts to the network when it was cancelled (if you don't get that, you obviously have missed a great show). 30 Rock and Scrubs aren't starting yet, either.
The new season will give ample time for stitching, quilting, knitting, and just relaxing. I love it! I have a lot of projects to finish. Now if only the weather would cooperate and turn cool...
Here's the rundown for the rest of the week:
Tuesday --
Returning: Dancing with the Stars (duh!)
New: None
Wednesday --
Returning: Criminal Minds.
New: Private Practice. What trouble will Addison get herself into with a new set of hot doctors around her? Bonus: Taye Diggs.
Thursday --
Returning: Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, My Name is Earl, The Office
New: None. Who needs new shows on Thursday?
Friday --
Returning: None
New: Moonlight. It's about vampires. I like vampires.
So far, no news on Jericho, even though I know it's coming back because fans sent peanuts to the network when it was cancelled (if you don't get that, you obviously have missed a great show). 30 Rock and Scrubs aren't starting yet, either.
The new season will give ample time for stitching, quilting, knitting, and just relaxing. I love it! I have a lot of projects to finish. Now if only the weather would cooperate and turn cool...
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Almost Done
The quilt I have been working on for some Molly Patch customers is almost done. I did the quilting yesterday, all by machine. I found this great star pattern for the border by Borders Made Easy. It's a product that you attatch to the quilt and follow for the perfect border. It is so much easier than drawing the pattern out with chalk. By the time you get to the end, the chalk has always worn off and you have to guess what comes next, which can be frustrating. Zero frustration with Borders Made Easy.

Here's a photo, or two, of the QUIP:
This is the first time I have designed a quilt star to finish. It took all my brain power, because putting squares on point can be tricky, but it was worth it. The main part of the fabric is a line called Every Iota by Robert Kaufman. I found most of it online. The back is this really soft, nubby material. It's a little hard to work with because if the stretch, but the result is so great. Who wouldn't want to cuddle their baby in such softness? All I have left to do is the binding, which is actually my favorite part. I have named this quilt (because you have to name a quilt) the Irving. Hope they like it :)
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Today, Gracie is 1. Or 7. You know, dog years. She is still very much a puppy, but is calming down. We love her crazy self. (We also know that most of you do not. That's okay, we don't judge.)
Quote of the Day
Mini-Me: Flower, come jump with me!
Flower: I can't. I'm too beautiful. Look at me.
Overheard this morning before Flower went to school.
Flower: I can't. I'm too beautiful. Look at me.
Overheard this morning before Flower went to school.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Weight Loss Wednesday
Yes, my friends, Weight Loss Wednesday is back. I have taken a bit of a hiatus, but now I am back with a vengeance. I decided last week that Jenny was a tad too expensive. Lean Cuisine is owned by the same company, and the nutritional exchanges for the food is the same. The element of Jenny I knew I needed was the counselor. I need someone I can weigh in with, I need someone I can check in with weekly. Naturally, I thought of my mom. She has successfully waged the battle of the bulge and is always full of advice and encouragement for me. We began on Monday, which will be my new weigh-in day. Her advice this week? It's okay to be hungry. Tell that to my kids at 3:30 in the afternoon when they're starving.
Monday, September 17, 2007
The Fair!
The fair came to town this weekend. We had a ball. Flower was finally tall (and brave) enough to go on some faster rides. Mini-me cried, because she's wanted to go on the roller coaster for 2 years in a row now, but has been too short. They rode in the belly of a bear with Curly:

What a fun time we had! We can't wait for next year.
Went on a crazy motorcycle ride:
Went on a ride that took your straight up, and then dropped you, several times:
We did the dime toss and won 2 glasses:
We did the carousel. Patch was less than impressed:
We saw livestock. Oh, the livestock. Patch loved the piggies. The girls liked the milking exhibition:
What a fun time we had! We can't wait for next year.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
QUIPs and WIPs
Here's my latest QUIP (quilt in progress):

Here's my latest cross stitch WIP (work in progress):

Here's my latest cross stitch WIP (work in progress):
I have been busy cleaning and organizing for the fall, so I have not been able to devote the time I would like to my projects. Maybe this weekend I'll have a little more time. If not, Esmeralda may not have a home for Halloween!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
This is Patch's favorite thing to do: he climbs up the first two stairs to the landing. Then, while I count to 3, he crouches down as low as he can. Then, he stands up really fast and yells either "Doe!" or "Dump!" It is so funny. We are supposed to "catch" him when he does this. Here is a picture of the wind up:
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
We are having pizza for dinner -- the kind we make ourselves, not the kind the teenager brings. While I wait for it cook, I thought I would post a picture from our recent summer vacation. This was taken at some falls in Yellowstone. Our little family is a lot of fun. The kids are always singing or pretending. If you ever get the chance to see them act out Seussical the Musical, don't pass it up. Sometimes they let me be Gertrude.
Patch has not felt too well today. He's been a little grumpy and has taken 2 long naps. He's fussing now, but he has to stay in his high chair until dinner is over. He can make it up those stairs so fast. I hope he likes his pizza, or else he's going to be really mad.
Double Play
I think I may have said I few times that I enjoy cross stitching. And, if I haven't, let me say that I enjoy cross stitching. I also enjoy a good baseball game. Combine the two, and you have a phenomenon known as "Stitch 'N Pitch." The website has a list of teams that hosted the event, with 3 games still to come. Unfortunately, none are near me. Curly read me an article yesterday about a recent event. Apparently you get to sit in a "special" section that is full of stitchers. I doubt they sell many hot dogs in that section.
On my stitching front, I am still plugging away at Esmeralda's House. My new goal is to have it done by the end of the month so it can be framed by Halloween. Last night I finished the top of my Olivia quilt. It is so cute. A little busy, but cute. My favorite part is the border, which is made of strips that show Olivia exercising with the words "Exercising is good. Accessorizing is better."
The county fair starts next week, and for the first time in 3 years I have no cross stitch to enter. I am very sad about that. I have finished a couple of pieces, but have not been able to get them framed. One is a very cute Thanksgiving circle. I want to have that made into a tray. I may enter the baked goods competition. Last year my 5 Flavor Cake did not do so well. I'm hoping for a better showing this year in the cake category.
On my stitching front, I am still plugging away at Esmeralda's House. My new goal is to have it done by the end of the month so it can be framed by Halloween. Last night I finished the top of my Olivia quilt. It is so cute. A little busy, but cute. My favorite part is the border, which is made of strips that show Olivia exercising with the words "Exercising is good. Accessorizing is better."
The county fair starts next week, and for the first time in 3 years I have no cross stitch to enter. I am very sad about that. I have finished a couple of pieces, but have not been able to get them framed. One is a very cute Thanksgiving circle. I want to have that made into a tray. I may enter the baked goods competition. Last year my 5 Flavor Cake did not do so well. I'm hoping for a better showing this year in the cake category.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
It's Freezing!
I love the temperature gauge on a car. I'm a weather nerd -- I could watch Dopplar Radar for hours on end. While driving in Grandma and Grandpa's car this morning, I had to laugh when I saw that the temperature outside was 33 with a warning for ice. If's actually 90. Thanks again for the use of the car, even if the temperature doesn't work :)
Monday, September 03, 2007
Falliday Explanation
I have been asked what "falliday" is. Well, on the Today show this morning (which I watch nearly every morning), they did a segment that talked about how New Year's Resolutions have become passe, and how fall is the new New Year's. Fall is often a time to start over, mainly because of the start of the new school year and the new season of great TV shows. I know my routine kind of starts over in the fall, since summer gets a little relaxed with vacation, pool time, camps, etc. So that's what Falliday is. Enjoy yours.
Labor Day
My headache from yesterday has continued into today, so I am going to try to take it easy today. No loud noises....We had hoped to go hiking today, but lack of a vehicle has cancelled those plans. I am going this morning (my mom is coming at about 11:30 to pick me up) to get Curly's parents car down in Northern Va. We are so glad they're out of town so we can borrow it. It's supposed to be about 90 today, and that's just too hot to hike around with little kids, especially one that will ask to be carried and can't because she's too big, one that will ask to be carried and will be, and one that will be in a backpack.
The main thing I have to accomplish this week is getting the upstairs in order. Since people don't really go upstairs in our house, I let it slide. A lot. I try to keep the bathroom really clean, since no one likes a dirty bathroom, but I admit I don't clean up after kids, husband, and myself as much as I should in the bedrooms. But no more. My Falliday resolution is to keep our rooms neat and tidy. For this task, I am sure I will be cracking open the Martha Stewart Homekeepking Handbook. She really does know everything.
The main thing I have to accomplish this week is getting the upstairs in order. Since people don't really go upstairs in our house, I let it slide. A lot. I try to keep the bathroom really clean, since no one likes a dirty bathroom, but I admit I don't clean up after kids, husband, and myself as much as I should in the bedrooms. But no more. My Falliday resolution is to keep our rooms neat and tidy. For this task, I am sure I will be cracking open the Martha Stewart Homekeepking Handbook. She really does know everything.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Last night at about 3 am, the doorbell rang. There is only one person who will ring your doorbell in the middle of the night: a policeman. There were several cruisers and SUVs stopped on Market Street right in front of our house. Our car had been the victim of a hit-and-run about an hour before that. The side was bashed in, the front door won't open, the side mirror was ripped off, and the tire was punctured and flat. That tire was only 6 weeks old. I just stood in the street and shook my head in complete disbelief. This is our only car. How would we get to church? Take Flower to school? Go to Target? It took us a couple of hours to get back to sleep, and then kids woke up way too early. Luckily, church now starts at 1 instead of 9, so we had time to find a ride. We still haven't fully worked out the rest of the car situation. We don't know if insurance will pay for our rental car or not. The repair will take a l-o-n-g time.
The good news is there was a car behind the guy who hit us who saw the whole thing. He called the police and they caught the guy. He was, of course, drunk. We are just thankful that it happened overnight and not while we were in the car.
The good news is there was a car behind the guy who hit us who saw the whole thing. He called the police and they caught the guy. He was, of course, drunk. We are just thankful that it happened overnight and not while we were in the car.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
I have very good friends. I have friends I can call on the way to the airport and ask them to overnight the bag I forgot to me. I have friends who know they can do the same to me. Sometimes I feel lonely. Don't we all? I just have to remember that if I feel lonely, my friends probably do, too. Becky and I were able to hit the tale end of Gallery Walk tonight. Downtown Frederick was a happenin' place. We talked, laughed, shopped, and ate guacamole. I got home way late. It was a great night. So here's to my friends who are my listening ear and my guacamole pals. I could not have made it through the week without you.
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