Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Weight Loss Wednesday

Oh goodness. This was Virginia's last day. I cried. A lot. I felt silly for crying a lot. But it's all good. New counselor, new motivation. This week, Curly and I have a contest for who can lose the most weight. He will win, he's a man. I will come in a close second. But it's all in the name of fun and sticking with the program. Come back next Wednesday and see how we did.


Anonymous said...

Men are so lucky. One day they decide to go on a diet, the next day they've lost five pounds.

Anonymous said...

jlk--not that it is exactly the same thing but when I finally got pregnant with Cole and had my very last appointment with Shady Grove Fertility Center, I cried. I had been going to that office for two years and the Frederick staff became like friends to me, because the staff was only a handful of people. They knew me, I knew them. It was hard saying goodbye. Goodbyes are ALWAYS hard!!