Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

I don't know what Memorial Day means to all of you, but to me, it means manual labor. Growing up in the Lee household, 3-day weekends were only good for yard work. I don't know when I first began to dread school holidays, but I know I did. I wasn't even that good at yard work. I complained, I was hot, I complained some more, I was tired, I complained one more time, and usually my dad would dismiss me in frustration. If I was lucky, all of this would happen before noon. After that experience, you wouldn't think I would make my family work in the yard on a 3-day weekend, would you? You would think that I would say "Hey! Let's all go to Kings Dominion!" But no. Todays job was to plant roses in the front. We worked our kids pretty hard, too. Patch was the foreman and Mini-me got to use a shovel. Unfortunately, the shovel bonked her head twice, so she got laid off. Maybe by Independence Day she'll be reinstated and put to work again. Those roses aren't going to weed themselves...


Anonymous said...

That's odd -- I thought we always went to opening day at the Dunn Loring swim club on Memorial Day. I think you're thinking about Labor Day, which, aptly named, is all about labor.

Anonymous said...

Growing up in my family, we decorated about 20 graves of my ancesters buried in the Kaysville, UT cemetary. My mom would have the entire trunk of our car filled with flowers and cans to decorate the graves. Since moving to MD, it has usually been a manual labor day for us as well, although this year we just spent the day trying to recover from vacationing in the hot CA desert! We might get into manual labor next weekend!