Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Another Snow Day

We're still stuck.


Lisa and Doug said...

No way! Are you going crazy? Someone on our radio said the Olympics should have been in your neck of the woods!

CocoShirley said...

no my gosh. I remember being so little that the snow was like huge gigantic walls. Awesome feeling. So fun!
But I bet youre feeling some serious cabin fever...take courage LOST is on tonight

Leslie said...

oh my goodness...that is a lot of snow. we are getting a little here but not nearly like you

Anonymous said...

No wonder Patch is feeling a wee bit boxed in! Cowabunga.

Kristin said...

Wow, that's a lot of snow. Houston got 1/2 in. in December, it was a record setter for earliest snowfall. Before then, it snowed I think in 2003. I LOVE Houston.