Sunday, February 28, 2010

Oh Dear!

She likes to suck her thumb.


Lisa and Doug said...

Look at her awesome hair! I love it!

losing my needles said...

Oh, but babies sucking their thumbs are soooooo cute. Not so much when they are older, but babies- super cute. I think it's because their thumbs are so small. And hello no dropped pacis and self soothing!

Leslie said...

oh she is just lovely

Anonymous said...

I think she gets that from her big sister! Here's the good thing about thumb suckers: it's easy to lose a binky, but it's impossible to misplace a thumb!

The Boys Mommy said...

Aww...Eden sucked her thumb when she was really little...then she stopped:(

Rach said...

well, she probably won't be doing it when she goes to college. love the bean bags. my sleep suffered with the olympics.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

She is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!