Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Weight Loss Wednesday

I had a lackluster week. I didn't lose anything. It's something that I know has happened to anyone who has ever tried to lose weight. The important thing is to not dwell on it and keep on. I was thrilled that my good friend Lenore joined me this week. It is so nice to have someone who is going through the same thing I am. Now if we can only get Debbie to come...

It was brought to my attention that I put the wrong book on yesterday's post. Oops. I meant this book:

And now, while my sweet baboo watches hockey, I am going to go read it.


Anonymous said...

What's that you say -- stay calm and carry on? Applies to weight loss or lack thereof, too.

Lisa and Doug said...

Half way through this book. Love it!

The Boys Mommy said...

I will come...promise!!! Gotta get our house healthy...prayers, please:)