Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Weight Loss Wednesday

This week I redeemed myself. I lost all the holiday weight and then some and am now down a grand total of 25 pounds. I don't mind saying it, Hooray for Me! Tonight we had an FtP night at Wendy's here in Frederick. The Towne Singers were the entertainment, and there were a lot of people who had not seen me since we finished Once Upon a Mattress in August. Judging by their faces, the change is noticeable. My goal for the next 11 weeks is to lose another 25, which is about 2 pounds a week. I think I can, I think I can. Yes I can!


Lindsay Jean said...

Wow! Congratulations - it's so great when you start to see your hard work pay off.

Anonymous said...

Of COURSE you can! Congratulations.

Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

Wow - good for you - that's awesome!

jean13i said...

Well done, Cross Stitch Drama Queen. That is amazing.

Lisa and Doug said...

Way to go!

The Boys Mommy said...

wow...that's great!!I know I'm headed to WW after I have the baby in're an inspiration...thanks!!!