Monday, June 27, 2011

Halloween in June Idea

For those who are new to my life here on the internets, you may not be aware that I love Harry Potter. Wait, that doesn't seem like a strong enough statement. I don't know that what I have is necessarily an obsession, but it comes close. I have used the phrase "Dumble-dork" on more than one occasion. I have seen all the movies on opening day, the last 2 were seen at midnight. The first movie I was working for a Congressman in DC. I told my boss I had an "appointment." Technically, it was true. I had an appointment to see Harry. It was worth all the teasing when the truth was outed.

I have read the books more times than I care to admit. My pregnancy with Ginger was fraught with morning sickness for the first, oh, 18 weeks. I spent an entire week on the couch reading all 7 books. And then moved onto the Twilight series, which is post for another day. When we were at a family reunion on Cape Code, book 6 came out. I had one of the Spinster Sisters watch my kids while Curly and I went to get the book. At midnight. In fact, I have gotten most of the books at midnight, or had them delivered to my door first thing in the morning via amazon.

To sum up, I am a fan. The fact that the movie comes out while we are going to be on vacation has not escaped my notice. I doubt I'll be able to go at midnight, since the closest theater to us will be 40 miles away. It makes me sad. One thing I'll be doing with my kids before that is making wands. If that makes me a Dumble-dork, so be it.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Baby Quilts

This Spring, I had two new nephews enter my life. They are both handsome fellas. I thought they deserved a quilt for being born.

First up was for baby Hank. He lives in Canada. I got a little carried away when making his quilt. It's not so much baby size as it is lap size. Hank and big brother Rex can cuddle up together, read Skippyjon Jones, and know how much Aunt Jana loves them. For those who care about these stats, I used a Buggy Barn pattern found in American Patchwork and Quilting. Fabric is Pure by Sweetwater.
The second quilt was for baby Caden. It's really a baby size. I had a Pure charm pack, and used a pattern from Camille's book.
I really like how it turned out.
I just wish I had gotten better pictures of both quilts. I'm still figuring out my new camera. Apparently I have a lot to learn!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Are You There, Blog? It's Me, Jana

I've been quiet this week. Forgive me. With the excitement of Cars 2 (we bought our tickets ahead of time, thankyouverymuch) and the first full week of summer break, there's been a lot going on. And also, there's been a whole lot of nothing going on, too. Today I am being very productive. We woke up and went to the YMCA. After I finish typing this, I am going to put a load of laundry in. Then, it's time to hit the pool. We'll come home, get dressed, and go pick up Flower. We have tickets to the 5:15 showing of Cars 2. It's a very exciting day.

Today is also Candace's tutorial. Is this calendar not awesome? It's amazingly cute and creative, just like Candace.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Final Countdown

Patch is a fan of Cars. He loves everything about the original. We have a fine collection of die cast cars that he uses to recreate scenes from the movie. He loves it so much, that one of Ginger's words is "Lightning." He woke me up this morning, asked me to open the new box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and then said, "Only 3 more days until Cars 2!"

He's a little excited.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Dad

Seriously, this was the only recent picture I could find of my dad. It's from last summer. He's doing what he does best: directing and getting it done. My mom is either sneezing or laughing. I think she's laughing. My dad is the greatest dad in the world. I'm lucky to be his favorite child.

Happy Father's Day, Dad. Suuuuuuure love ya!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Tutorial

This week's Quilted Fish tutorial is brought to us by the amazingly multi-talented Stephanie, PhD. Go here to learn how to make it. I can see myself making several of these. Wouldn't they make great shower gifts? Or Christmas presents? I need one for my kitchen and for each of my kids.

Also, this post is brought to you by the number 1000. Yup, it's true. I have blathered on in this forum 1000 times. Thanks for listening. A reward will be forthcoming.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Weight Loss Wednesday

Usually I relish summer because it's a time where I can let go of schedules. I like not having to go somewhere at a certain time, other than the pool of course. But, this summer I have plenty of motivation to stay on plan, which includes scheduling time to work out and planning ahead our meals. First, we have a wedding in July for Curly's cousin's daughter. Then, in August our very good friends are getting married. And finally, last night we received a text that Curly's baby brother Lieutenant Boo proposed to his girlfriend and will be getting married. Soon. Lieutenant Boo is in the Navy and has to do his patriotic duty again. We got to meet Miss Nora last week. We love her, too.
Frankly, I'd like to look hot at all these events. I'll be purchasing a new dress from Shabby Apple. I don't know which one yet, but I'm excited to choose. And, I'll be getting a new pair of heels of the super high variety.

So what's keeping you motivated this summer?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's Still Spring!

The weather outside is delightful. We're living it up, pretending summer isn't just a heat stroke away. Flower is at her first year of Girl's Camp, Mini-me is at her last full day of school, Ginger is sleeping off our morning play-date, and Patch and Curly are on the back deck having lunch. Ah, this is the life. Tomorrow we'll talk about our weight, Thursday we'll talk about Halloween, and on Friday I'll show you a fabulous new tutorial. But for today, let's just bask in the loveliness of it all.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Preschool Graduation

A note came home on Tuesday saying there would not be a graduation this year, but instead the preschool would just be having a brief awards ceremony. Imagine our surprise when this walked in:
I am so glad I had my camera. The teacher asked if anyone knew why they were celebrating graduating. Patch loudly answered: "So long, preschool!" It was complete with a hand wave. This picture was taken right afterward. He looks pretty pleased with his joke:
But, most of the time he felt like this:
He and one little girl are moving up. They will both be at the same school for Kindergarten, which is pretty fun.
So there you go. Preschool cap and gown graduation. Now I've seen everything.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

etsy updates

Finally, I have added things to my neglected etsy shop. It's about dang time! I have a few new pencil rolls, and then a couple of my other best selling items. Thanks for looking!

Curly took the older three kids camping this weekend. I was supposed to go, but as I surveyed the growing stacks of laundry, I opted out. Ginger and I have had a delightful time. We ordered pizza, took a tubby, and then I had my girls over to drool over Edward and Jacob. It was great. The campers return sometime tonight. I have 3 loads of laundry to go, plus some dishes. And then, if there's time, I get to work on Curly's super secret Father's Day gift. That he asked for. And picked out the t-shirts for. At least I know what he wants, right?

Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Tutorial

Head over to The Quilted Fish to see this week's Design Team tutorial. Jackie specializes in 3D quilted art. She has some amazing pieces. Go check out her tutorial!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Temper Tantrums

She may look harmless, but her mood can change in less than 2 seconds. Tonight I have had to reaffirm my administration's stance that we do not negotiate with terrorists. Her argument that she was not at all tired lost all credence when screamed in my face. When she realized her tactics were failing, she quickly switched to claiming an indifference on my part. Her demands? Being able to stay up and watch Gnomeo and Juliet. I held firm, and now she is asleep, less than 15 minutes after the battle began. Score one for Mommy.

Monday, June 06, 2011

Let's Share!

Here is the part of Halloween in June that I am pretty excited about: the part where we share. Leave a link with your project. It doesn't need to be completed, you don't even need to have started it yet! Little confession -- I haven't started mine yet. Ooops. But, here is a photo of one of things on my list:

It's the Creepy Countdown from Crazy Old Ladies. She doesn't have any patterns in her shop right now, but I'm sure if you contacted her she'd be able to hook you up.

The projects we're working on for Halloween in June

1. Bree@DistantPickles  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, June 04, 2011

A Little Inspiration

While Ginger naps and the other 3 are outside playing, I thought I would share some spooktacular and bootiful things I found while surfing the web.

First, I found this shop on etsy. She has some great paper piecing patterns for Halloween. Love it! Amy Bradley has some adorable quilt patterns. Look at this Halloween one. Her patterns are all fusible applique, so even beginners can give them a shot. For those who enjoy knitting, Danger Crafts has some adorable monster patterns. I think Penelope the Empathetic Monster is my favorite. If easy crafting is more your thing, go to Say it on the Wall. She's even offering a discount this month through her blog. It's worth a look.

Second, I want to share my favorite thing I decorate with in October. It's Department 56 buildings. Seriously, they are awesome. I have them in my dining room. I cheat a little and put them out during the last week of September.
I think I have room for one more. And this one would just be perfect.

Friday, June 03, 2011

When I Said

When I said we would do a fun linky party today, I forgot that the next round of tutorials for the Creative Consultants Design Team started today. Silly me! We'll link up on Monday, m'kay? So today, go over to Amanda's blog to see the adorable mug rug tutorial from Brooke.

I am thrilled with the response so far to Halloween in June. We are going to have us a good time! I wanted to clarify the rules, if that's alright with you. Please take out a pen and paper. I'll wait. Just kidding! Your Halloween projects don't need to be quilts. They don't need to involve a sewing machine. You can scrapbook, you can cricut, you can knit, you can sew, or you can put together some costumes. The sky's the limit! I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with. Don't forget to join the flickr group and upload some photos.

Also, I am so close to 1000 posts. I have almost lost 50 pounds. I bought a new camera. I have two brand new nephews. I think it's time for a giveaway. Come back next Tuesday for that. Up for grabs: Mini-me.

I kid, I kid.

Sort of.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

New Flickr Group

I created a Flickr group so everyone can show off their Halloween projects. Go here and join!

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Halloween in June, Day 1

Happy June! It's a hauntingly beautiful day here. Well, not really. It's as hot as Hades and probably more humid. I've got the crisp days of October on my mind. I'm ready for some creepy crafts. How about you?

I wanted to have a photo of the projects I'd like to do this month. But, my camera is not cooperating. It was in direct line of fire during the flood, so we need a new one. I have my eye on a lovely point and shoot over at the WalMart. Hopefully by Friday it will be in my hot little hands and I will be able to provide some pictures. For those who are playing along, Friday we'll have a little linky party to show what you plan on doing.

In my perfect world, I'd complete a project a week, giving me four new things for Halloween. I have a few pillows to make, a quilt kit to assemble, and maybe a vinyl project or two. In fact, there are several things here I'd like to make!

So grab the button and leave me a comment letting me know you're joining in the fun!