Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Fear #1

My #1 fear is of tornadoes. I have been in one, so I shouldn't be scared because I faced that demon, right? Wrong. If anything, it has made me more freaked. They can come out of nowhere. At least during the day, you can see what color the sky is. You can see it coming and run for cover. But at night? While you sleep? Terrifying! We are under a tornado watch until 3 am tomorrow. That just means that "conditions are favorable," not, "one is on its way." That's a tornado warning. Does it make a difference in my terror level? Not much. Not to mention the fact that Curly is out for the evening at rehearsal. I am trying not to freak out too much, but you can bet I will be checking the weather often. I am trying to keep Mini-me quiet, so I can hear it if it comes. Maybe the kids and I will sleep in the basement tonight.


Emily Snow said...

Oh my goodness! I hope you all made it through the night without a tornado touching down!

Kathy said...

Holy Hannah! So did you sleep in the basement?!

Life in Maryland said...

It's like you aren't afraid of falling or being in an accident until you had it happen you to. Totally understand! Did you like the big CRACK of thunder at 3:30AM and then everything went completely calm? I thought the house was coming down.

Anonymous said...

I thought that I was the only freak awake waiting for a tornado!! I just knew we were going to have one! I am wrong so many times...this was a good time to be wrong again!