Sunday, August 24, 2008

School Days

Tomorrow is the first day of school for Flower. She'll be in 4th grade. She is nervous and has a tummy ache. I'm not surprised.

Mini-me begins school on Thursday. Her teacher is coming over tomorrow for a little meeting. Mini-me really likes her teacher (we met her last Thursday), so I have pie in the sky hopes for this year for her.

We had a surprise visit from Aunt Becky and her BFF Lindsay tonight. Patch was very enthusiastic in his goodbye's: Bye Gecky! Bye Lind-say! Bye Gecky! etc etc. He is quite the chatterbox now. I love every moment of it.


Anonymous said...

Back to school always gives me a tummy ache -- and I haven't gone for years. Good luck, Flower.

Jane said...

Hope the first day goes smoothly. Not sure who suffers more, the children or the mums!

Lisa and Doug said...

All the kids on my street start this morning and it seems so strange not to be sending someone off. No first day of school photos on the front porch! Maybe Coco's roommate will take a pic this morning!