Saturday, May 31, 2008
If you need me, I'll be in the basement. There's a Tornado Watch out right now. We had a thunderstorm come through at about 11 this morning. Of course, I was alone with the kids. Why can't storms come when Curly is home???
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Green Acres
Our weekend seems like it happened ages ago! Friday afternoon, we took to the fields and picked us some strawberries. Ah, country living. Then, we came home and turned those berries into shortcakes and ice cream.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Back in Business
If being Lady Lucille weren't exciting enough, the MEGA QUILTER is up and running again. A woman from the shop came yesterday and there was a lot of fiddling and messing. And now it works. I am very happy.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Casting, Part Duex
I got my call today. Finally! I am Lady Lucille. She speaks, sings with the ensemble (emphasis by stage manager), and dances. When Pat told me I danced, she quickly added "Well, you'll be in the back. Behind the other dancers. You know." Yes, Pat, I know.
So, come to Frederick this summer and see the O'Kigin's take to the stage! I guarantee you won't pay one bit of attention to Winnifred. You'll be too busy watching the appropriate facial reactions of Lady Lucille, the curtain opening of the Page, and the storytelling of the Minstrel (who I hope has to wear tights).
So, come to Frederick this summer and see the O'Kigin's take to the stage! I guarantee you won't pay one bit of attention to Winnifred. You'll be too busy watching the appropriate facial reactions of Lady Lucille, the curtain opening of the Page, and the storytelling of the Minstrel (who I hope has to wear tights).
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Curly got a call while at Flower's field day that Flower is in the cast. Curly is in, too, with a major role. They just weren't sure which one. Nice. When asked about me, the stage manager said "Well, I think she's in the chorus, but I'm not sure." So, I'm not Fred. I figured I wouldn't be, but I'm still sad about it. Oh well. It will still be fun, even in the chorus. Or not. I'm definitely not one of the dancers. No sir.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I Cried
There is still one more night of auditions, but I feel I did so badly last night that I cried. My voice cracked. I lost the words at one point. I was just embarrassed. Oh well. Curly and Flower are going tonight, and hopefully they can represent for the O'Kigins. The thing that makes me mad is that I can sing. I am part of the theater's singing group. Ugh. Oh well. There's always Annie, right?
Monday, May 19, 2008
First Time
Tonight, I am going to audition for FtP's summer musical, Once Upon a Mattress. I am nervous. VERY nervous. I've had butterflies all day. In my head, I know it's no big deal. I know it's just community theater. I know it's small time, not big time. I've just never done a musical before. When I did A Christmas Story a few years ago, I had never done a full-length show before. I wanted the part of the mother, and that's what I got. In this show, I want the part of Winnifred. She's the lead. See why I'm nervous? If I don't get it, I may cry. I may cry hard. It won't be attractive. I don't like being unattractive. I have to get the part.
Now I'm nervous again.
Now I'm nervous again.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Mega Frustration
My MEGA QUILTER has decided it doesn't like me. Now, instead of gliding like an ice skater across my fabric, the thread breaks. The bottom is messy, which means the tension is off. All I did was change the needle. I changed the needle because I was told "Oh, thread breaking means your needle is blunt." I was a little skeptical, but the woman was adamant. Now, the whole thing is a mess. I have an at home lesson scheduled for next week. NEXT WEEK! I have too much to do to wait around another week. ARGH! I have major frustration right now. That and the fact that our economic stimulus check has not arrived has put me in a mood.
My Mountain Home
I have lived a lot of places with mountains. Well, two or three places. I haven't diversified my addresses much. Anyway, as I was driving home from home on Tuesday, I came up a hill on 270 and saw some beautiful mountains in front of me. I know, some of you think my mountains are hills. They are not pointy or craggy. They roll. They are not snow capped. They are totally green. They do not scrape the sky. In fact, they are quite small. These are not the Wasatch, nor the craggy Sawtooth, and they aren't anywhere close to Everest. But, they're mine.
When we watched American Idol last night, Curly and I both said "Oh, I miss those mountains!" when we saw David Archuletta in Murray, UT. (Then I said "Jinx" and he couldn't talk until I said his name again. Which was this morning.)
I have had a lot of good times in the mountains. I learned to ski in college on the Wasatch mountains in Utah. I think I saw Leonardo Dicaprio once, too, while skiing in Sundance. I met Curly on a ski trip near Roundtop, in Pennsylvania. Some of my best vacation memories are in Sun Valley. And, as a Junior Girl Scout, I learned to sing "I love the mountains, I love the rolling hills." I don't remember the rest. I was never a full-blown Girl Scout, so it's no wonder. I hope I never leave my mountains.
When we watched American Idol last night, Curly and I both said "Oh, I miss those mountains!" when we saw David Archuletta in Murray, UT. (Then I said "Jinx" and he couldn't talk until I said his name again. Which was this morning.)
I have had a lot of good times in the mountains. I learned to ski in college on the Wasatch mountains in Utah. I think I saw Leonardo Dicaprio once, too, while skiing in Sundance. I met Curly on a ski trip near Roundtop, in Pennsylvania. Some of my best vacation memories are in Sun Valley. And, as a Junior Girl Scout, I learned to sing "I love the mountains, I love the rolling hills." I don't remember the rest. I was never a full-blown Girl Scout, so it's no wonder. I hope I never leave my mountains.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Tagged by Stacey
So I was tagged. Here are my answers:
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3.At the end of the post, the player then tags 5-6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read the player’s blog.
4. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.
What were you doing ten years ago? I was a Cherry Blossom Princess.
What are five things on your to-do list for today (not in any particular order):
1. Change the sheets in Patch's crib.
2. Change the sheets on Mini-me's bed.
3. Change my sheets.
4. Change the towels.
5. Finish a quilted table runner.
What are some snacks you enjoy?
Tortilla Chips
Ice Cream
Granola Bars
Anything Chocolate
What would you do if you were a billionaire?
I would buy another car, pay off our mortgage, add on a ginormous kitchen and master suite, and just live the rest of my life in this house.
What are three of your bad habits?
1. I procrastinate.
2. I talk too loud.
3. I don't always hang my clothes up.
What are five places where you have lived?
1. Vienna, VA
2. Provo, UT
3. Salt Lake City, UT
4. Oakton, VA
5. Frederick, MD
What are five jobs you have had?
1. Babysitter
2. Bagel Technician
3. Intern
4. Scheduler for a US Congressman
5. Mommy, aka THE BOSS
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
4. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.
What were you doing ten years ago? I was a Cherry Blossom Princess.
What are five things on your to-do list for today (not in any particular order):
1. Change the sheets in Patch's crib.
2. Change the sheets on Mini-me's bed.
3. Change my sheets.
4. Change the towels.
5. Finish a quilted table runner.
What are some snacks you enjoy?
Tortilla Chips
Ice Cream
Granola Bars
Anything Chocolate
What would you do if you were a billionaire?
I would buy another car, pay off our mortgage, add on a ginormous kitchen and master suite, and just live the rest of my life in this house.
What are three of your bad habits?
1. I procrastinate.
2. I talk too loud.
3. I don't always hang my clothes up.
What are five places where you have lived?
1. Vienna, VA
2. Provo, UT
3. Salt Lake City, UT
4. Oakton, VA
5. Frederick, MD
What are five jobs you have had?
1. Babysitter
2. Bagel Technician
3. Intern
4. Scheduler for a US Congressman
5. Mommy, aka THE BOSS
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
It's been a great day. This morning, I had breakfast in bed, and no one stayed around to watch me eat the toast (sorry about that, Mom). I then came downstairs, watched part of ET with the fam, and then got to open my presents. Yes, I knew what they were because I bought them, but I didn't know who had given me what. Flower gave me some cute cupcake pins, to go with the ones Cherie bought me (and, I finally found that flower pinchushion pattern I wanted to make), Mini-me gave me the DVDs to two of the recent BBC/PBS Jane Austen (speaking of, are you watching Cranford? Me oh my, that's a great one), and Patch gave me the new Stephenie Meyer book. Curly got me a funny card and some moolah for a quilt kit, that is currently sold out and will be back in a couple of weeks. Then, for dinner, Curly grilled up some delish steaks (in the rain!), while I made mashed potatoes, green beans and garlic, mushrooms, and Dijon onions. What made the dinner special was that I got to cook, which I love, but I didn't have to clean up. It was great!
On the way home from church, I was sharing my treat with the kids and Curly. He thanked me for sharing, and I said, "Well, without you I wouldn't be a mother." I know sometimes I get frustrated with my husband and kids, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. Not even a Wii. Well,, I mean. NO. Not even for a Wii. I am grateful for my mom today, and for the wonderful example she is to me. I am grateful for my Grandma and my mother-in-law. What fine women I have in my life to look up to.
On the way home from church, I was sharing my treat with the kids and Curly. He thanked me for sharing, and I said, "Well, without you I wouldn't be a mother." I know sometimes I get frustrated with my husband and kids, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. Not even a Wii. Well,, I mean. NO. Not even for a Wii. I am grateful for my mom today, and for the wonderful example she is to me. I am grateful for my Grandma and my mother-in-law. What fine women I have in my life to look up to.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Sometimes, I drink my Diet Coke out of a wine glass. It makes me feel special.
Boy, am I glad I got that off my chest.
Boy, am I glad I got that off my chest.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Zumba Zumba Zumba
I have been busy! Well, at least that's what I tell myself as an excuse for not blogging. My other excuse is that I moved my computer. It used to sit on the dining room table. I could get the kids breakfast, and then jump on the 'puter while they ate. No more of that. I moved it down to my studio. It sits right next to my sewing machine. I like it down here, however, I don't like that I can't log on whenever I feel like it.
So what have I been doing? Well, the usual. I've been working on some quilt orders. I've been driving my MEGA QUILTER. I've been whipping up some Mother's Day gifts. I've been at the park with my kiddies. And, I've done Zumba. Oh, Zumba. What fun is Zumba! It's a new aerobics class that has been sweeping the nation. If your gym offers it, go go go! I hurt in places I didn't know could hurt. I only did the 30 minute class. It was the fastest 30 minute workout ever.
So happy Friday, folks. Enjoy the rainy day. I fretted over tornadoes last night, did you? No? Oh.
So what have I been doing? Well, the usual. I've been working on some quilt orders. I've been driving my MEGA QUILTER. I've been whipping up some Mother's Day gifts. I've been at the park with my kiddies. And, I've done Zumba. Oh, Zumba. What fun is Zumba! It's a new aerobics class that has been sweeping the nation. If your gym offers it, go go go! I hurt in places I didn't know could hurt. I only did the 30 minute class. It was the fastest 30 minute workout ever.
So happy Friday, folks. Enjoy the rainy day. I fretted over tornadoes last night, did you? No? Oh.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Feliz Cumpleanos
In honor of Cinco de Mayo, I will now post in Spanish.
Feliz Cumpleanos, nuestra flor! Te querimos mucho. Espero que te gusta la bicicleta nueva tuya.

Saturday, May 03, 2008
There has been much going on at the O'Kigin house. From quilt guilds to Mega Quilting, from riding bikes to seeing Curly's new show, from forbidden words (like stupid) to Mini-me's new favorite word (certainly), it's never a dull moment. Pictures are forthcoming, as is a birthday for Flower. It might be Monday afternoon before I can post again. Come to think of it, Monday is Cinco de Mayo, so I may be at the cantina having some chips and guac. Look for me Tuesday. Late. Guac hangovers are hard to get over.
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