It feels good to be back to blogging. I mean, it's only two days and two posts so far, but I have a lot to say and don't always have a willing audience here at home. I realized how apt Mini-me's moniker was just a few days ago when I picked her up from school. We had to go get gas in the car, plus a little treat. She kept up a monologue from the time I met her at the school door until we got through our front door, roughly 20 minutes. It was epic.
This week my friend
Lauren and I finished a baby quilt for Colleen. Remember Colleen? Back in
this post I mentioned that when she gave me my baby quilt that she wished she was pregnant. She totally was and didn't know it yet. She now has 4 kids ages 5 and under, plus a 20 year old stepdaughter. Yikes. Colleen has a pretty stash of fabric (that all fits into one container. Hardly a stash, IMO), and wanted the quilt to be made with her own fabric. Lauren and I were happy to comply.

This is Colleen modeling the quilt. Lauren made up the design. She's good like that. She can apply geometry into everyday situations. I cannot, even though I won the math prize. Lauren did all the piecing, and I did the quilting on my MEGA QUILTER, and then did the binding. That's the kind of team work I enjoy.

And here is a sneak peak of what is on my quilting frame right now. I just need to get some batting and then we're in business. The fabric is Verna by
Kate Spain. I just love everything Kate Spain comes up with, and I think it's appropriate to refer to her by her first and last name at all times.
So there you go. A sew and tell that does not include links to my etsy shop or info about an upcoming craft show! I'll tell you more about those later. Come back tomorrow ;)
I'm linking to
Amy's sew and tell party today. Go check out some of the other fabulous finishes!