Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Good Day

Happy Thursday to you all! It's been a busy week here. We are getting ready for the big road trip. I am determined to have everything done in advance, so that the day before I won't be stressed. Think it will happen? Let's hope so!

I had a great weigh in this week -- I was down 1.4 pounds. That's over 26 lost so far. Yesterday while we were in the car, Mini-me said, "Mommy, you're getting thinner!" Indeed. Glad it's starting to show!

Ginger began crawling yesterday. She just does the commando crawl, but she is wicked fast. I am trying to baby proof, but with a little boy who loves to carry around Lego "guys," it's pretty tricky.

Gotta go iron shirts. Wish me luck!


Leslie said...

good luck getting everything ready...isn't it great when even the kids start noticing something is different about mommy. unfortunately for me, in this case, it is mommy getting bigger. oh well.

Anonymous said...

Good luck checking everything off of your do have lists, don't you :)

Rach said...

ironing, that sounds so domestic. remember when we were single and carefree? i refer to those as "the good ole days" good luck with the cross country rode trip.