Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gobble Gobble!

My favorite holiday of the year is finally here! I love Thanksgiving. I love that for a day, we just come together and are grateful. Oh, and we eat. Seriously, it's the best. This year we were supposed to celebrate with Curly's family, but unfortunately we have sick kids. So we're staying here. I love staying here. We'll get up, watch the parade, be lazy, watch football, eat, be lazy some more, have pie, go to bed. Doesn't that sound great?

I put the turkey in the brine this morning. I've made one pie (chocolate cream). Over the weekend I did the stuffing and the sweet potato casserole. This afternoon I'll make the pumpkin pie and then tomorrow I'll do the rolls and mashed potatoes. I also have two crafts ready for the kids. It's going to be a great day, colds and all.

I am thankful for so much this year. My kids, my husband, my hobby, just to name a few. But I'm also thankful for each one of you who comes and reads my blog. It makes my day that you come here and spend time with me. I wish each of you, whether in the US or not, a very happy Thanksgiving.


A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you are all over the colds soon.

patty said...

You're going to have a great day --probably one of your favorites ever.

Lisa and Doug said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! I love knowing what my loved ones are doing when I sit down to my table. So thank you for the update!

Jackie said...

Have a super fab day tomorrow!

Karen said...

I hope you had a wonderful day!

Mama Pea said...

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!