Apparently I totally spaced on Weight Loss Wednesday yesterday. I was just so excited thinking about all the presents people could give me. I lost another 1.6 pounds, which brings my grand total to 18 pounds. Yay! I am almost down a size as well. Just a few more pounds.
It's Earth Day today. I like Earth Day because, well, I like the world we live in. I am not super crazy about "going green," but I do my part. I always bring bags to the grocery store, but I'm okay with plastic bags as well. We use them around these parts to do things like picking up dog poop. I walk a lot of places instead of taking the car, unless it's raining. I am so sweet I'll just melt! I try to pack lunches without using plastic baggies, but they are just so convenient that it's hard not to use them sometimes. To sum up: sometimes I go green, and sometimes I just go.
Ginger is asleep, so I'm going to go down to my sewing room and try to get some things done. I love my sewing room. I need to get the camera hooked up to Curly's computer so I can do a "sew and tell" for you tomorrow!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A Gift for Me
Mother's Day is coming. I would like this. Or maybe this. Seriously, moms out there: How cute are these? I would also like a flatscreen tv and a blueray player. And a new sewing machine that does a blanket stitch. I wouldn't turn down a new washer and dryer either, but that's more of a family gift and could wait until Father's Day. Maid service for a year would be thoughtful, as would a new mini-van. I love mini-vans.
Really, when you think about it, the notecards are a bargain.
Really, when you think about it, the notecards are a bargain.
Monday, April 19, 2010
A Case of the Mondays
Ginger had to get more shots today. It was very sad. She cried and cried, and she still cries if you touch her tender, chunky thighs. She has slept quite a bit today, which has worked out pretty well for me. I've gotten a few things done that have been on the the "to do" list for a few weeks.
Patch had some trouble at the park today. He took after a kid and started to hit him with closed fists. Lest anyone think I find this amusing in any way, I do not. I am pretty sure he thought he was playing with the kid, nevertheless, he was removed from the situation and we had a lengthy (for a 3-year-old) chat about being a bully.
There are some boys in our neighborhood who do not like to play with Mini-me, and she takes it very hard. They are older and a little rougher and don't have time for a cute Kindergartner to join their games. We had tears in the alley behind our house because they wouldn't give her a turn in the wagon. So sad.
Flower went to school dressed like Madonna in the 80s -- lots of layers and a flouncy skirt that looked like it belonged under a square dance outfit. I thought she looked kind of silly, but she was happy with herself. And really, if given the choice between over layered or skimpy, I would choose over layered any day of the week.
Patch had some trouble at the park today. He took after a kid and started to hit him with closed fists. Lest anyone think I find this amusing in any way, I do not. I am pretty sure he thought he was playing with the kid, nevertheless, he was removed from the situation and we had a lengthy (for a 3-year-old) chat about being a bully.
There are some boys in our neighborhood who do not like to play with Mini-me, and she takes it very hard. They are older and a little rougher and don't have time for a cute Kindergartner to join their games. We had tears in the alley behind our house because they wouldn't give her a turn in the wagon. So sad.
Flower went to school dressed like Madonna in the 80s -- lots of layers and a flouncy skirt that looked like it belonged under a square dance outfit. I thought she looked kind of silly, but she was happy with herself. And really, if given the choice between over layered or skimpy, I would choose over layered any day of the week.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Weekly Wrap-up
This week was pretty darn good. That being said, there were some not so good things that happened. For example, two nights ago, Mini-me was trying to entertain Ginger, who was in her crib. She was doing a great job, until she dropped a large, hard rubber ball on Ginger's face. This morning, not even 15 minutes ago, Patch dropped a small chair on Ginger's face. To top it off, I knocked my laptop off it's resting place and now the monitor is broken. It will cost roughly $400 to fix it, if not more. Luckily we have other computers in the house, and Curly says he can hook it up to the extra monitor we have in the basement. So, all is not lost.
On the positive side, Ginger is laughing even more now. It's adorable. We did our taxes (before April 15!) and are getting back more than we thought. Thank you, US Government. It's going to be in the 80s today, which means the kids are in shorts and t-shirts. That means less laundry. It's a volume thing. Ginger has started taking longer naps at about the same time every day. I am getting reacquainted with my sewing room.
No pictures today. I am using Curly's computer and he doesn't have any on it. Maybe by the end of the weekend I can post some of the things I've been working on :)
On the positive side, Ginger is laughing even more now. It's adorable. We did our taxes (before April 15!) and are getting back more than we thought. Thank you, US Government. It's going to be in the 80s today, which means the kids are in shorts and t-shirts. That means less laundry. It's a volume thing. Ginger has started taking longer naps at about the same time every day. I am getting reacquainted with my sewing room.
No pictures today. I am using Curly's computer and he doesn't have any on it. Maybe by the end of the weekend I can post some of the things I've been working on :)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Weight Loss Wednesday
This past week was a challenge for me. On Saturday, there was a farewell luncheon for a friend of mine who is moving to North Carolina. Everyone brought a delicious dish to share. Everything was so tasty! Then, on Sunday, we had Ginger's blessing at church and then hosted a lunch here afterwards. Again, the food was so tasty! I had dessert both days. I thought the scale would not be my friend this week, but it wasn't too bad. I was down about half a pound. After 10 weeks on Weight Watchers, I have had a loss each week. It's fabulous! It's slow, which it needs to be because I'm nursing, but it's consistent. Luckily this week is event free. I can just eat my points and not worry about the extra stuff.
I have been a little stressed lately. It's been pretty hard not to eat chips. It's also been pretty hard not to run to Target and shop my stress away. But last night we did our taxes, which takes some stress away, and today I am tackling the laundry. An organized house does wonders for stress, doesn't it? Tonight I will fold laundry while watching my favorite shows. I would much rather stitch while watching tv, but the laundry needs to be taken care of!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010

Today feels new. It feels like I've started over; been given another chance to get it right. Maybe it's the weather, a lovely spring day. Maybe it's my fabulous made-over patio set, now in a gorgeous red instead of a rusty black. Maybe it's that Ginger has decided that napping in her bed is a good thing. Whatever the reason, it feels new; and I don't want to mess it up!
Friday, April 09, 2010
Sew and Tell

This week I have started a lot of projects and have only finished one. I made these 6 notebooks for my etsy shop, and 5 were purchased before I could list them. The one on the bottom row in the middle is still available, and will be listed tomorrow. 

Also in the works are Easter dresses (better late than never, right?), a large purse for a customer, and a furniture make-over. We were in Home Depot today, and I decided that I wanted to paint some of our outdoor furniture red. Instead of waiting on it, we bought the spray paint and got to work. It's been fun, but it's a windy, cloudy day. We're going to do touch-ups tomorrow, and then I'll post some pictures. Anyone seen aqua/turquoise outdoor pillows?
Thanks, Amy, for hosting this fun link-up party! Go check out the other projects. Sew inspiring!!
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Weight Loss Wednesday
Another great week for me. Are you getting tired of me praising myself? Hope not! I am down another pound, which makes 15.8 pounds. I am going into week 10, and so I'm on target for what I wanted to loose: 1-2 pounds per week. 
The weather yesterday was unbelievable! It reached 90 degrees here in Frederick. The kids and I went to the park for a picnic dinner. We took bread for the ducks and also played on the playground. I am not a fan of summer here in the Mid-Atlantic states, but the humidity was very low, so 90 didn't feel too bad. I'm not saying I want it to be a permanent state here, but once in a while won't kill me.
Weight Watchers is challenging its members to walk a 5k in June. I am going to do it at the gym today and see how long it takes me. Maybe I'll even jog a little, however I make no promises. Sometimes when I jog, I toot a little. Is that TMI? Probably.

The weather yesterday was unbelievable! It reached 90 degrees here in Frederick. The kids and I went to the park for a picnic dinner. We took bread for the ducks and also played on the playground. I am not a fan of summer here in the Mid-Atlantic states, but the humidity was very low, so 90 didn't feel too bad. I'm not saying I want it to be a permanent state here, but once in a while won't kill me.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
April Fool's Day

"Flower!" I said. "Why are you in your pjs? Go get dressed. Now." She looked at me, shrugged her shoulders, and then broke out in a huge smile.
"April Fool!" she cried, unzipping her pjs to reveal her clothes underneath. I laughed. Hard.
We decided this would be an excellent prank to play on her teacher. It followed all her teacher's guidelines for April Fool's Day: it wasn't mean, it didn't destroy property, and it didn't break school rules. I then told her funny stories of Uncle Jon and his pranks. I could see the wheels in her head turning when I told of his 6th grade prank.
"Do you think I could do that?" she asked. "It would be so funny!"
I told her it would be hilarious, and that she better call me when school was out to tell me how it went. I dropped her off at school in her pjs, took her picture, and went home.

"Jana! It worked! It was so funny!" Flower was giddy on the phone. There is nothing like a well-played April Fool's joke, and this one was a doozy.
After she had April Fooled her teacher with her wardrobe, Flower asked for some help in pranking her mom. Like a good co-conspirator, Mrs. Sheets helped Flower develop her plan for some believability. They went to the school secretary, and then to Pastor Wyand, who each helped.
When The Ex went to pick up Flower, the kids in the hall were buzzing with the news of Flower's suspension. At first, The Ex did not believe it. Flower? Suspended? For fighting? No way. Then Flower handed her an official school form, typed by the secretary and signed by Pastor Wyand. It appeared to be true. Flower had indeed lost her temper on the playground and kicked a boy in the shin. BCA is a no-tolerance school where fighting is involved, and so Flower was suspended.
While The Ex read the paper, Flower employed her acting skills and went to a corner crying. Mrs. Sheets confirmed that this indeed had been "quite a day." Nearly 5 minutes after first hearing the news, The Ex looked over at Flower who was no longer distraught, but laughing hysterically. She had been fooled.
"It was awesome!" And the tale was done. I can't wait to see what she does next year.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Hoppy Easter
We dyed our eggs on Saturday in preparation for Easter. After skipping this important part of the holiday the past couple of years, Patch thought what we were doing was so new and exciting.
On Sunday morning, Curly went downstairs to make sure the Easter Bunny had arrived. The kids waited impatiently on the top of the stairs.

Luckily, Peter Rabbit came. He stays with us all day. It's quite magical. When no one is looking, he hops around like the bunny he is. But as soon as the kids look his way, *POOF!* he turns into a stuffed animal. After a fun day with our family, Curly takes him back to his family in the forest. This is the same tradition my family had growing up. I could just picture the Easter Bunny sitting in the front seat, with his seat belt on, having a conversation with my dad.
Peter Rabbit had hidden the eggs we colored, so Mini-me and Patch got to hunt the eggs in the dining room.
It was a good time. But more important than a bunny and eggs, we talked about the meaning of Easter. We shared with our kids that we know that He rose from the tomb on that special, holy day. We told them that while He is the Savior of the world, He is also our personal Savior, and that He loves them very much.

Luckily, Peter Rabbit came. He stays with us all day. It's quite magical. When no one is looking, he hops around like the bunny he is. But as soon as the kids look his way, *POOF!* he turns into a stuffed animal. After a fun day with our family, Curly takes him back to his family in the forest. This is the same tradition my family had growing up. I could just picture the Easter Bunny sitting in the front seat, with his seat belt on, having a conversation with my dad.

Thursday, April 01, 2010
Weight Loss Wednesday
I didn't post yesterday. Mainly because I forgot, but also because we had a visit from the in-laws, and Ginger decided to trade places with her evil twin. She finally burped up the gas that was bothering her all afternoon at about midnight. It feels so good to burp!
Anyway, it was good news on the scale yet again this week: I am down another pound! Seriously? I am so proud of myself. I need to be careful though. I might hurt my shoulder from the rigorous patting myself on the back.
Speaking of hurting oneself, Curly has pulled a muscle in his back. He went to the doctor today for some relief, and found that he also has a sinus infection. The poor man. I am now off to get his prescriptions. Then, when I come home, I will blog about the funniest April Fool's Day we've ever had.
Anyway, it was good news on the scale yet again this week: I am down another pound! Seriously? I am so proud of myself. I need to be careful though. I might hurt my shoulder from the rigorous patting myself on the back.
Speaking of hurting oneself, Curly has pulled a muscle in his back. He went to the doctor today for some relief, and found that he also has a sinus infection. The poor man. I am now off to get his prescriptions. Then, when I come home, I will blog about the funniest April Fool's Day we've ever had.
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