In the past 10 days, I think I have left my house 3 times. I mean, I've gone out to the mailbox and to supervise the dog's bathroom breaks and stuff. But as far as getting out of the house to go somewhere, it's been 3 times. 2 of those times were to a doctor. The third was to Target. It is still my happy place.
You can understand then why a quilting retreat sounds more enticing than ever. Anyone else have cabin fever? Riley Blake is hosting their first ever retreat in Vegas this fall.

If I'm being honest, which I always am, it sounds like heaven on earth. In the FAQs, it gives all the details about pricing, lodging, and supplies needed. Unfortunately, it says that no one under 18 can go. If I take Baby strapped to me, do you think anyone would notice?
Some of my favorites will be at the retreat. First of all, Eleanor Burns will be there. One of the first quilts I made was her Log Cabin in a Day pattern. I gave it to my sister for her wedding. It's an awesome quilt. I have no pictures of it! I digress....Amy Smart will be there to teach a few classes. If you haven't met Amy yet, it's worth the price of admission just for that. She is seriously the nicest person in the world. Not only do we have an unhealthy love of fabric in common, but she also gets my love of Frederick, MD. And, Amanda Herring will be there. To know Amanda is to love her. I mean that. She is so inspiring and fun and beautiful to boot.
Have I convinced you? Go register!