Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Weight Loss Wednesday

The Weight Watcher scale said I was down 1.2 pounds this week, which brings my grand total to 30.8 pounds. That is roughly a pound a week since I started. It's fabulous. I feel lighter from the inside out. I'm on a roll, folks! It's the start of their annual "Lose for Good" campaign, where members pledge a weight loss goal, and then donate food in kind for actual weight lost. It's a seven week campaign, and I have pledged 10 pounds. I think it's doable, but will have to step up my effort to be more than a pound a week. I think it works out to like 1.4 pounds per week. Doable. Then, at the end of 7 weeks, I bring in 10 pounds of food to be donated to the local food bank. It's a really neat giving campaign.

Mini-me lost a tooth yesterday at school. Then, the unforgivable happened: the tooth fairy forgot to come. It was an awfully sad morning. I hope the tooth fairy can make it before school lets out today. Maybe she'll leave a note explaining that so many children lost teeth and her bag got too full, so she had to head back. Meanwhile, Ginger has two teeth just sitting below the surface of her gums. My kids get teeth late, but then they get them all at once. We're in for a rough few months. On the plus side, she took a 3 hour nap this morning. I actually got some sewing done during daylight hours. It was nice.

Happy Wednesday to you!


Leslie said...

30 pounds is awesome weight loss...congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Hope that tooth fairy stuff works out. I don't know if it was you or one of your sibs, but someone came down to breakfast one morning heartbroken over being passed over by the tooth fairy. I had completely forgotten, but when whoever wasn't looking I got a dollar out of my wallet, ran upstairs for a few minutes then came back down waving the dollar bill and said, "you didn't look hard enough! I found this under your bed!" heh, heh, heh

Lisa and Doug said...

I got an "F" in tooth fairy.... but on a similar theme, you get an "A+" in weight loss!

MBusse said...

1) Congrats!

2) my little sister was forgotten by the tooth fairy once when she had lost the tooth at school and then REALLY lost that little sucker. Our TF felt awful. It was rectified the next night when lil sis left a note explaining the circumstances of why the tooth was not there. TF pulled through and accepted the petition.

Weight Loss said...

Congrats and Hoping to see more......
Thanks for share........